Academic Skill Assessments

Academic Skill Assessments


The CKA SAVE Project's Academic Skills Assessment service provides a comprehensive evaluation of a student-athlete's academic performance and potential. Using a range of academic assessments, we identify strengths and areas for development. Our Academic Success Coaches then deliver a detailed analysis of the student's academic profile. This includes highlighting key strengths, identifying weaknesses, and offering personalized recommendations for improvement. Our assessments are designed to help student-athletes understand their academic standing and create a clear path for academic enhancement. This service ensures that student-athletes have the support needed to balance their academic commitments with their athletic pursuits, fostering a well-rounded and successful educational experience.

We're Here to Support Your Journey

We are committed to providing comprehensive support to student-athletes across the nation, so whether you have questions about our programs, need personalized guidance, or want to learn more about how you can contribute to our mission, we are here to help.